Monday, January 7, 2013

Firsts of 2012!

Happy New Year!  Chris and I have had a wonderful 2012.  Here are a few “firsts” we experienced together.

1. First couples camping trip to Moab.

2. First time Chris and I took a dive from an airplane!  (The first time...and probably the last) 

3. First time Chris got an A-. It was a tragedy we had to overcome. :) 

4. First job Kara got at the Church HQ.

5. We moved to Farmington and we're loving it. 

6. Our first positive pregnancy test!!  We are due June 3, 2013!

We are so excited for all of the experiences 2013 promises to bring. 
We wish you all a happy and healthy new year!


  1. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting ages for this to come out! I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ahhhhhh!!!! Yay baby!!!!! Congrats you guys!!!! We hope we can move closer and then our babies can play!!! So happy for u guys!!
