Thursday, January 17, 2013

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...


Week 5: 
I think I just experienced my first food revulsion (the books call it "aversion" but I think revulsion is much more descriptive). I am sitting at lunch and, in an effort to be healthier, got a side of cooked carrots to add to my meal. Now I usually really like cooked carrots. But not today!! I could only gag down about six carrots before I couldn't handle anymore! Even the smell bothered me as I finished the rest of my meal. Weird...

Week 7
Well, pregnancy acne is here in full force. I keep getting these little red zits all over my nose, chin, and forehead.  And since the song “You’re So Vain” was written about me (as my dad likes to remind me) this is driving me crazy!  But I must say, I would rather have this than morning sickness. Luckily, I have been skipped in this department for the most part.  At the beginning my stomach felt a little funny at night, but nothing too drastic.  I haven’t had much of that lately.  I’m hoping that little side effect of pregnancy will skip me entirely!

Week 8:  
You know how some people get extra sensitive to smell when they are pregnant? Well that is me! I am suuuuper sensitive! If Christopher ate something funny for lunch, believe you me, I can tell! I make him brush his teeth about five times a day and I am always popping mints into my mouth to keep my nostrils happy. 

Week 9: Telling the parents!
We told our parents that we are expecting a baby on Halloween night.  To tell Chris's parents, we dressed up as (you guessed it) a chef and an oven.  I was expecting his parents to open the door, us to yell "Trick or Treat," followed close behind by a gasp and an "oh my goodness, are you pregnant?!?"  However, it didn't quite work out that way.  It took probably a good ten minutes of us awkwardly making small talk before Mama Hill asked, "so is there a bun in the oven?"  To which I shyly nodded yes.  Then the outburst came. (Tack on another ten minutes before Papa Hill made the connection.)

My parents were just returning from Italy on Halloween night and we were going to pick them up at the airport.  Instead of making a scene at the airport with our crazy costumes and because my parents were undoubtedly tired, we went for a quieter approach.  After dropping my parents off at their house we told them we had a belated birthday gift for Babbo.  We gave them one of our classic children's book "Goodnight Moon." Inside the front cover was the inscription, "To Babbo and Grammy, please read me this bedtime book in June 2013. Love, Baby Hill."  They were very excited to get this news and even though they were tired they let me gab away at them for another 20 minutes before I finally let them sleep.  All in all, it was a fun night and it felt great to share the news.  

Week 10: The first doctor's visit!
That was nerve-racking.  My pregnancy still didn't really feel real to me and I was excited to actually see the little munchkin taking residence in my belly.  After a quick medical history and chit chat from my doctor, see left me to put on the lovely hospital gown and get ready for my ultrasound. This was it! Let's see if this is really happening!  Doctor put the cold jelly on my stomach and started moving around. Nothing.  All I could see was grey and black squiggles. Nothing that remotely looked like a baby.  I was starting to get worried.  Then doc asked me if I had been constipated.  (Oh that ugly side effect that I didn't want to mention.)  I nodded. "Well, see all those dark lines there," she asked? "That's poo."  So, yes, my lame bowel movements were preventing me from seeing my baby.  Luckily, doctor pulled out another instrument and we were able to do a vaginal ultrasound.  And sure enough, there was a baby!



  1. Oh, I love this! I'm so excited to meet little Miss Hill!!!! I love reading about your pregnancy because I feel like you are strangely quiet about it (in terms of when you talk to me anyway). Rest assured that you can gab pregnancy talk to me all day long and I won't wary. :) "that's poo" really made me laugh. haha. Oh pregnancy...

  2. I second Stacy!!!! You're so hush hush about it, I feel like saying 'she's in the family way' when I brag about you and this beautiful baby girl to everyone I know :)
    This is awesome, you'll be so glad later that you wrote all these details down! I love baby's first picture, she's so precious and little. And haha I think revulsion is a much better word than aversion, so true!

  3. Sorry if I seem hush hush guys. I feel like I bore people with my prego talk. Just ask me questions and I'll gladly answer. :)
