Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

This Easter weekend was GORGEOUS! The weather was fantastic and spring was here in full force.  I think it even made it above 70 degrees on Saturday and Sunday.

I had a great weekend, starting out with a fun baby shower that Stacy threw for me. She had her house decked out in pink, welcoming the little girl coming this June.  And of course, the spacey prego me forgot to take pictures!!  I'm so grateful to have generous friends like her!

Easter Sunday was so enjoyable.  We didn't paint any eggs this year, but we did manage to give each other small Easter baskets. The highlight of my basket? Measuring cups! Silly, I know, but I only had a mismatched set of measuring cups and the numbers had washed off of them so I wasn't ever quite sure I had the right measurement.  These awesome new measuring cups have the numbers etched in the plastic so they will never fade.  And they include every measurement, including a 2/3 cup!  Oh, the small joys in life. :)

We had a wonderful Easter program in Church, commemorating the resurrection of our Savior. I was able to play the piano for the primary children as they sang the song Gethsemane by Sally Deford. It is a very hard song for children to sing, but they loved it and they did a great job!  Chris also sang in the choir, singing some of my favorite songs including This is the Christ.

Easter dinner was spent with the Hill family. I declare there might be little better than ham and yummy potatoes on Easter. Angela also flew in from Kentucky and we were able to spend time with her and her kids through the evening.

And what Easter is complete without a little photo shoot?  Unfortunately, the photos were only of me and my belly this year. Chris took me to the park near our house and we took these pictures amidst families' Easter egg hunts.

Here I am, 31 weeks and counting! 


  1. Kara you are GORGEOUS! Seriously! Happy Easter, glad you had a lovely weekend. And 31 weeks, holy cow! She'll be here before we know it!

  2. You look beautiful and I LOVE that shirt! Man, how is it that I can never find cute maternity clothes, but they're everywhere around me. Not fair. I'm so glad you had such a great weekend. I love you!
