Friday, May 25, 2012

The Dash Diet

On the third day....
             ....she is fighting.

I have been trying to eat according to the Dash Diet plan which gives you precise measurements for portion size, outlines a well balanced meal including all food groups, and of course, limits your intake of sweets and candies.  I have been pretty well for the past two days.  I had some nonfat frozen yogurt last night with the Relief Society, but at least that was nonfat right! 

But let me tell you this - frozen yogurt is not ice cream!  Today is "get your ice cream free if you guess the price" day at work.  Right now I am feeling like this little girl.  Just replace that Snickers with ice cream and I would run like the wind to be able to eat it! 

However, I must say that I am exercising miraculous will power.  I am not going downstairs to buy ice cream.  I am not even opening the candy cabinet right above my head to grab me some delicious chocolate.  (The office candy cabinet is of course located in my office and I have the key.  Not smart.)

I am going to eat me some strawberries and yogurt, if I can find any.  I feel like that will satisfy my cravings. 

I will be strong!....
           ....I just keep telling myself that.  :)


  1. haha awesome picture :) I feel like that girl all the time. Keep going strong, i'm proud of you! you'll be glad you didn't give in. I always try to remind myself that the satisfaction from food is temporary and that in a month when i weigh myself, i'll be sad I didn't resist more :) You can do it!

  2. Go ahead and eat the ice cream. It's a lot better for you than nonfat frozen yogurt. Fat is not the enemy!
    PS I love you!

  3. Haha. This is so me right now. I want to run into a dark corner that no one will find me and each my weight in chocolate. Alas....I have not even tasted it for over two months, so what's a couple more? :)
