it's official, my lovely car, scout, has a been sold. it was time to move on, but i was still a little sad. i had many a good memories in that car. lucky for me, the new owner is just a few houses away, so i'm sure i'll see scout every now and again.
and you know what this means, right...time to dream!
let's take a look at the possibilities!
yeah right...
i don't even like this but it seems very guy-ish
and masculine
and dream-car-ish.
the few below would actually show up in some of my dreams...
i've always been a sucker for audis
but lately i've been liking these lovely mazda cx7s. if anyone knows of any good deals, let me know!
Good luck with the car hunt! Hey THanks so much for your blog comment yesterday. I was having one of those days where it seemed like everything I wrote/did/made was crappy. So your timing was perfect, just what I needed :) love you!