Monday, January 31, 2011

Miracle of Miracles!

that's right, it is a wonder of wonder.  i have finally started my own blog.  after many, many months of encouragement from my best friends and sister, i have joined the blogging world.  you'll have to bear with me and these first few posts as i'm still trying to get the hang of things.

first things first - you may be wondering what is a leeova?  Well, that's me!  I served a mission for the mormon church in the czech republic.  in the lovely CR the suffix 'ova' is added to any female's last name.  it is a way to form the possessive.  so, you take the man's last name (in this case lee) and add an 'ova' to the end.  when i first heard that, my gut reaction was, "okay y'all back down!  i don't belong to nobody!"  but...when I thought about it, i realized it is a beautiful way of identifying and unifying oneself to family.  my father has given me my name and i belong to his family.   when i get married i will take on my husband's last name and belong to him.  so, if i marry a smith, I'm going to have to change this title to smithova's sonnets, or something like that.  but for now, it's leeova, and i like it that way.

secondly, i want you all to know that i will not be writing desperate lovenotes to the many men clamoring for my attention.  promise, this isn't going to be a sappy blog.  a lovenote to me is something that makes me happy.  yep, that's it, the only definition you're gonna get.  take it and run with it!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! COngrats on your first blogpost! I'm super excited to see what you make of this blogging adventure :) and as always, i love you.

