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Penn State Medical Center
Photo by Hillary Muelleck Photography |
Many of you know that Chris's birthday was on November 6th. We had some fun things planned for his birthday. However, as with everything in our life, nothing went as planned. It was better!
At 3:00am on November 6th I woke up feeling a little crampy. My stomach hurt, but it didn't feel like any contractions I had felt before. I just thought I had eaten something weird. So I did what my dad always says to do when you have a stomach ache - go to the bathroom! TMI alert - I spent the next hour trying to go to the bathroom with moderate success. But I still didn't feel any better!
At this point in time I started to realize that my "cramps" were coming in regular intervals. I woke up Chris so he could share in my pain. I started timing my "cramps" and how far apart they were. I started to think that something else might be going on. So I called the triage nurse to explain my symptoms and see if I should go to the hospital. But of course, since it was the middle of the night I was routed to some obscure call center in Alabama or somewhere. It took over half an hour to get through all the bureaucratic red tape. When I finally talked to a nurse I was in a lot of pain and getting frustrated with all of the talking and waiting. She confirmed that we should go to the hospital but didn't say anything about labor or what was possibly going on. So Chris and I piled into the car, still not certain of what to think. I think we were in denial that I was in labor because my due date still seemed far away. I mean, I hadn't even packed my hospital bag, made freezer meals, or deep cleaned the house yet!
Driving to the hospital I was in a lot of pain. But when Chris offered me a wheel chair I adamantly declined. No way was I going to be caught in a wheel chair - I mean I was just pregnant! (More on the irony of this later.) We made it to the third floor where I collapsed into a chair in the waiting room because there wasn't anyone at the desk to greet us. When Chris finally got someone's attention they began to admit me into the hospital.
I remember feeling surprised that everyone was so calm. I mean, I was definitely freaking out inside. Here I was, going into what I thought was preterm labor, and everyone was treating it as though this was a routine thing. Which for them, I guess it was. But this was all new to me. I had never felt anything like this before. (Remember, with Olivia I was in blissful ignorance due to an epidural.)
Chris left me at this point to drive back home and give instructions to our friend who had so graciously come over to watch Liv. I still was in denial that I was in labor so I told Chris I would call him if anything important was going on.
And it turned out that something very important was going on! I was laid on a temporary bed, asked a few questions about my medical history, and checked for dilation. Turns out that I was 100% effaced and dilated to a 9! So they moved me into an official labor and delivery room and prepped for the little guy to come.
But Chris wasn't here! I had tried to text him and call him but he wasn't answering. Finally, the nurse called him on the hospital phone and was able to reach him. I was in a lot of pain and felt a little out of it. But I remember hearing the nurse telling Chris that I was in labor and that he better get to the hospital PRONTO! She told him that the baby might be born before he got here.
I couldn't believe this was really happening. I was gripping the sides of my hospital bed and trying not to move as they put the IV into my arm. The doctor was going to break my water when one of the nurses asked if we should wait for the husband. I asked them how long we would have after they broke my water before the baby was born. The answer - this baby is ready to come out right now. As soon as we break your water, you'll be ready to start pushing.
So I said we should wait...
And then I had another very painful contraction...
...and I told them to break my water!
Chris had better hurry because this baby and I weren't waiting any longer!
To be continued.