Last Saturday I decided it was time that I take Chris out for a date. We went to Barnes & Noble armed with a list of tasks we each had to complete. For example, find a recipe of something you would like to make for your date, or go to the children’s section and pick out your favorite book. I surprised Chris with this date and he seemed pretty excited to give it a try. (I found this idea here along with all of the tasks for our date. Great site!)
We started out with the recipe section. Turns out that we both picked out something simple but delicious. My recipe – an ice cream sandwich made with waffles. Chris’s recipe – a blended drink of mint and lemonade. Simple but Delicious!
Next stop – magazines! We each found a quiz in a magazine that we then took together. I had a hard time actually finding a quiz! I thought magazines were filled with quizzes but I couldn’t find one anywhere! Chris took the only magazine with a guaranteed quiz each issue so I just took an article and made one up myself. ;)
We then sauntered over to the children’s section to pick out our favorite book as a kid. We found that we read similar books as children. It was fun to reminisce of our favorites and relive a few as we read them aloud to each other. We couldn’t pick just one!
Task #4 told us to go to the humor section and find a joke we could tell our date. Chris found “A Book of Insults Every Man Should Know.” Inside were some seriously witty comebacks and insults. Chris was having a hay day! I picked out a book called “Porn for Woman.” Now, before you go jumping down my throat, you need to see what was inside. Pictures of men (fully clothed) saying or doing things we women always wish they would. For example, this young man is leaning forward intently saying “Well, I can’t offer you any solutions, but I am a good listener.” Priceless! J
One of my favorite tasks was in the travel section. Chris and I both picked out a dream vacation. Mine was to Istanbul, Turkey. Why? Because I know very little about the place and the culture. I do know about Haggia Sophia and would love to visit that feat of architecture. I know it has both Christian and Muslim influences. I am drawn to it because I feel it would be a great discovery.
Chris chose Cambodia and Laos. Apparently, Cambodia is the Asian country least touched by Western civilization, therefore retaining a lot of the ancient culture. Chris also loves nature and beautiful landscapes, which Cambodia and Laos are full of. Who knows, maybe one day we will actually take these dream vacations.
However, we saved the best task for last. For our final book we went to the poetry section and picked out a poem that expressed how we felt about each other. It was so much fun to rummage through different love poems to find the perfect one. I don’t think I succeeded in finding the perfect poem, but I’ll tell you what, Christopher did – On an Anniversary by Donald Justice. We had such a fun time and bonded in a way we hadn't for a while. I would definitely recommend this date to anyone.