Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Ying-Yang factor

So, it has been a long time since we have posted anything, so, to you reader, thank you for sticking around. Or if you just stumbled upon the blog, thank you for reading. It is nice to have someone there to hear your thoughts and your desires; your hopes and dreams; the subtle yearnings of your heart. I think this is the real reason why we blog. We just want to write down everything somewhere, and even if it is just a little snippet, we want someone to read it and connect with us. To see what we are going through and say, "I have been there", or "I can relate". I mean, it is basically the exact opposite of those journals all the girls had in 7th grade with the little locks on the cover. Similarly it is where you confide a lot of the things you may not talk about with people face to face, but unlike those, it is the place where you don't want to keep things under lock and key. You can let things out there, and hope that even though you can't bring yourself to say them aloud, that someone will read them, know about them. To be honest, writing on the blog has never made me want to keep a journal more. Because even though I want so badly to just let everything out, I realize there are still conversations which are better left between ourselves.
So here you have found us (Kara and I), well, at least the part of us which wishes to be discovered. The side of us which is excited to be seen, and heard, and shared. This is our chapter. (I shy away from saying our story, or book. Those seem so big, and organized. Something I attribute more to our parents. We are just getting started, with the little bit of wisdom, and love we have for eachother.) Here is what we think, what we feel, what we yearn for, and who we are...